The process for becoming a part of our congregation is not difficult. Depending on an individual’s prior church affiliation, one of the procedures listed below is usually followed:


If you are an active member of a congregation in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, you may join us by transferring your membership to St. Lorenz. Please request that your current congregation send us a copy of your transfer. Then contact the St. Lorenz church office (989-652-0771). We will provide you with an application for membership as well as a schedule of the times our Welcome to St. Lorenz class meets. This is a 6-hour class taught by one of our pastors. It is part of the process for everyone considering membership here.


Re-Affirmation of Faith

If you have been confirmed in the Lutheran Church but have not been active in recent years, you may join St. Lorenz by re-affirmation of faith. In addition to the steps mentioned above, you will be asked to meet with a pastor to review the basic teachings of the Bible as you were taught them in confirmation class.


Adult Confirmation

If you have never been a member of a Lutheran Church, you may join St. Lorenz through Adult Confirmation. That process includes the steps listed above plus our 10-12 hour Christianity 101 class. 


If you are interested in becoming a member of St. Lorenz, email Heather Robertson.