Men's Ministries
St. Lorenz has ministries for men including the Fellowship of Christian Men.
Women's Ministries
St. Lorenz has a variety of ministries for women including the Lutheran Women in Mission, Mothers of Preschoolers, and Advent by Candlelight.
Young Adult & Youth Ministries
Young Adult Couples and Singles and various other youth programs are included in the young adult ministires.
Children Ministries
There are multiple ministries for children including Vacation Bible School, Puppen für Christus, and Girls of Grace.
Bible Study Ministries
There are many different Bible studies that can guide you to mature in your faith and help you to lead the life Christ desires for you.
Worship-Related Ministries
These ministries help lead and enhance our worship and ensure that the services come together and run smoothly.
Music Ministries
The music ministry allows for the good news of Jesus Christ to be spread with vibrant music. It inlcudes various chiors and an instrumental group.
Congregational Ministries
There are many ways to support our congregation. These ministries range from helping guide parents at Family Faith Nights to collecting historical infromation for the Herritage Committee.
Community Support Ministries
These ministries allow for a hand of support to be shown to the members of our community.