Breakthrough Bible Class
Breakthrough Bible Class welcomes adults of all ages with special needs to join us for Bible class. From September-May, we meet on Tuesdays from 5-6:00 at St. Lorenz School in the Adult Education Room. We sing, pray, and learn about Jesus through lessons and crafts.
Led by: Tammy Stephens
Starting September 20
5:00 pm Tuesdays
Adult Ed Rooms
Miracles explores the miracles Jesus performed during His ministry on earth and studies His miraculous power over sickness, Satan, creation, and more. In addition, Miracles covers miracles from the Old Testament and questions about miracles today.
Led by: Robert Schollmeyer 989-652-8616 Starts January 8
Howard Warnick 989-652-8287
2:00 Wednesday
Adult Ed Rooms
Led by: Arleen Cronk Starts January 15
9:30 AM Boardroom
Sunday Morning Bible Study with Chuck
Bring your bible and join us!
Led by: Chuck Anderson
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
The Rock - Atrium & Cafe
Sunday Adult Bible Study
Beginning Sunday, November 24, Vicar Joshua Steele will lead a study on "THE LORD'S PRAYER." The study will be held in Adult Education Rooms as we take a 'break' from our on-going study of "The Chosen." It will last for approximately 9 sessions. Join us for what promises to be an engaging look at "The Prayer that Jesus taught us to pray!"
Led by: Pastor Kaiser
9:30 am Sundays
Adult Ed Room
Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Class
The class will start on September 12th at 9:00am at the Rock. We will continue the study of The Ten Women of the Bible by Max Lucado. If you would like to join us, you can order a book on If you have any questions, contact Denise Mosey 989-737-8432 or Kathryn Nuechterlein 989-751-4032.
Led by: Kathryn Nuechterlein 989-751-4032
9 am Tuesday
The Rock
Tuesday Evening Ladies Bible Class
Led by: Jodi Reinert
6:45 pm Tuesday
Adult Ed Room
Mom's In Prayer
Pray for your children, grandchildren, their friends, teachers, and school events with other moms. Moms In Prayer will begin meeting the 2nd Tuesday of each month at The Rock. We will meet in the back room from about 8 to 9am. Come when you can, leave when you need to. All are welcome! Call or text Janet Frank with questions: 989-652-9392.
Wednesday Morning Ladies' Bible Study
Heaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next? In this 7-session video-based study, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what's true about Heaven from what's based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. Books will be available at the class.
We'd love to have you join us and grow with us! If you can't make it the first week, join us when you can!!! Led by Deb Krafft, Linda Nuechterlein, Lynn Zeddies, and Nicole (Eden) Urbytes. Please call Deb with any questions 989-928-5537.
January 22
The Rock
Men's Bible Breakfast
This bible study group meets in the church parlor and is led by the administrative pastor. They enjoy learning more about God's word and the camaraderie of each other over coffee and rolls.
Led by: Pastor Hubbard
989-652-6141 X 124
7:00 am Wednesdays
Church Parlor
Wednesday Morning Men's Bible Study
Led by: Al Nuechterlein
6:30 am Wednesdays
Adult Ed Room
Men's Thursday Night Bible Study
Led by Bill Bender
7:00 PM on Thursdays
Bavarian Comfort Care
Thursday Morning Ladies' Bible Class
The Thursday Morning Ladies Bible class will resume meeting on Thursday, January 9. We have been studying Luther's Catechisms and will pick up with the "Office of the Keys". Please call Marilyn and let her know if you'd like to attend.
Led by: Marilyn Bernthal
Church Parlor
This is a Bible Study that shares God's word, stimulates the brain of the older population, provides fellowship and praising God through song. It helps seniors feel like they are a meaningful part of society, staying connected to the Bible and gives a means of socialization. At the conclusion attendees enjoy a catered lunch. The OWLs meet the third Thursday of the month except for April 10, May 8, and June 12.
WinGS Bible Study meets the 1st/3rd (some 5th) Tuesdays from 8:15--9:45am. Grab a cup of coffee and head over to the St. Lorenz ROCK for fellowship and study.
Kiddos are welcome!